Secret 41

Because of the drones, atmospheric field recordings and insect sounds, this mix will be labeled as an ‘ambient’ mix by most listeners. And of course it is…. but at the same time it isn’t.

DreamScenes 2016 – 03

A new month – a new DreamScenes edition!
Here’s the monthly pick from the batch of new releases (and the occasional re-release).

Featuring tracks by Pete Namlook & New Composers, Saffronkeira, France Jobin, Thomas Köner, Antonymes, Looped Exodus, Michael Begg/Human Greed, Tuxedomoon/Cult with No Name, The Volume Settings Folder, Joseph Sannicandro and Michel Banabila & Oscar Roelof Peterse

10th Anniversary Celebration!

This month ambientblog celebrates its 10th anniversary.
Here’s a short preview of the anniversary project: a special mix containing exclusive tracks especially submitted for the occasion!

Apart from the download version of the mix and all separate exclusive tracks, there will also be a credit card USB version featuring the mix, all tracks ánd extras!
A beautiful little gem that hold over 60 hours (!!!) of sonic immersion!

Entropic (Mix)

…. slowly evolving to a state of inert uniformity …. retracing information that was lost from the message … searching for the uniformity in what seems to be randomly disordered …

This mix is published simultaneously on Headphone Commute:
“You’re in for a treat!”