Let’s start with the video first: Inside//Outside is 18 minutes of video art created by Iván Cebrián (sound) and Victor Cerdán (visuals). It immediately explains the title:
‘The music of this film is about inner states – The image of this film is about external states’
The project was created ‘during the hardest of the pandemic’ and intends to induce a state where ‘you don’t quite know if the music that transcends the image, the opposite or both colliding at the same time’.
(Note: this is a teaser excerpt, not the full video)
The video is combined with the 34-minute album with equally trance-inducing soundscapes created by Ivan Cebrián. Using a Moog synthesizer primarily, he creates ‘ambient of perfectly threaded drones, eternal fades, loops that disintegrate leaving an infinite trace sculpted with an infinity of pedals’. Four tracks that deepen the experience, even without the images.
Iván and Victor have previously worked together on various films and documentaries, such as Perderlo Todo (2021) and Exhumar A Prim (2020).
This multimedia project is released as a project like this deserves: physically as a USB-card with the visual piece and the album tracks available in lossless and MP3 320 kbps format. Buyers of the digital version also receive the video: initially as a HD720 download, but also including a private link to download the full HD version.

Vongoiva is a Finnish audiovisual duo: composer Heikki Lindgren and videographer (or ‘motion designer’ as he calls it) Ville Westerlund. They composed Jatuli Observatory while sheltering from a winter storm for five days on Jurno, a tiny island in the Baltic Sea, home to just a dozen people (!).
Some of the extreme weather conditions can be heard in the music: the sound of wind and the sound of water, ‘by turns terrifying, wondrous and strange’. But the music also exudes a certain protection, like the comfort of having a shelter to protect you from the storm outside.
Apart from using the field recording and electronics, Lindgren also plays the Jouhikko, the traditional bowed lyre from Finland (on Then We Could See and Reef Archives).
Jatuli Observatory is a multimedia project, which means the duo presents music as well as the videos for each of the seven tracks. They can be found on vimeo.com, or simply by clicking through to each track on the Bandcamp page.
These videos are all shot in black and white, although there are subtly coloured details at moments, and very dark for most parts. It must’ve been quite desolate on this island while waiting for the storm to end.
The music (released by Flaming Pines – ‘a home for experimenters of all types’) can be obtained digitally and on CD. Both do not include the videos (the CD includes still images from the visuals). So, for the videos, you’ll have to bookmark the Vimeo links.
exquisite! thank you!