You may have noticed the name of this weblog has changed from ‘DreamScenes’ to ‘AmbientBlog.Net’.
Nothing else has changed, all other links/locations/entries remain as they were.
The new name is, of course, the same as the starting URL: https://www.ambientblog.net.
You may want to bookmark that link if you’re interested.
Why this change?
When I chose the name ‘DreamScenes’ for this weblog, it referred to one of the first ambient mixes I created for dutch radio broadcasting organisation NPS, way back in 2002.
I did not realise then that is also would become the name of a Windows Ultimate Screensaver Utility later.
This may have caused some unwanted search results in either case.
That’s one reason.
But another reason is the fact that FOLIO, the radio show on which I could compile this kind of music, will cease to exist in november 2009.
This sad fact marks the end of 10 years of creating ambient mixes for dutch NPS.
At this moment I don’t know what and I don’t know how yet, but I’m sure the end of Folio will not be the end of my ‘passion’ for ambient electronic music.
It’s probably gonna find another way out…
Maybe I will start publishing audio podcasts aside this weblog…
Maybe new ambient mixes may find another home online…
I’ll just see what interesting opportunities may pop up in the near future…
(If you have got any suggestions: please let me know).
But for now I thought this was a good moment to change the name of this weblog. So it’s AmbientBlog.net from now on.
The name will hopefully also make it a bit easier to remember the home page address.