Mantra of Walls and Wiring

“Mantra of Walls and Wiring” is the first of a set of three one hour mixes. The other two are “The Hum in the Room” and “Acoustical Illusion” (will follow later). As you can read from the titles, these mixes thematically deal with the sound you can hear in your living environment; the ‘everyday hum’ surrounding you

S.A.D. Sounds – 2

Part 2 of the 2-part mix called ‘S.A.D. Sounds (Voorjaarsmoe)’. “S.A.D.” is an acronym of ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’, otherwise known as ‘Spring Fatigue’ (and also for the other season’s equivalents, like ‘Winter Depression’).

Peinzing – Part 2

“Peinzing” (pondering, muse-ing) (2003) is the name of the musical collage in which the difference between ‘music’ and ‘sound’ will not always be clear to the listener. Since both parts are meant to be listened to as one, please download part 1 first and listen to them sequentially.