Time To Listen

Apart from its opening sample – ‘It is time to stop seeing. It is time to stop speaking. It is time to listen’, from David Cronenberg’s Crimes Of the Future – this mix has no central theme or story. It’s up to you, the listener to take the time to listen and go with the flow. Let your fantasy tell you the story. And, after you did, I’d love to hear what you heard.

Ambient Daydream

Just imagine yourself sitting in a local bar at the end of the day. A bit tired, your head full of thoughts. The murmuration of the people around you slowly gets blurry as you drift off. Your thoughts begin to wander, memories are mixed with fantasies and places you never even visited. Until now.


This mix is simply named after the podcast it was created for: Joseph Aleo’s SoundWave.
It is a happy coincidence that it literally starts with ‘waves’ – and ends with the same waves morphing into the sound of a cheering crowd. This mix (hopefully) shows that it can be rewarding to take a moment’s rest to really listen and let the sounds affect you.